Bulletin 2024/03/17

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16 NRSV

A logo of a child scout

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Belle Chasse United Methodist Church

8375 Hwy. 23 Belle Chasse, Louisiana 70037-2648

Rev. JoAnne Pounds, Pastor


9:00 AM Worship Service

March 17, 2024


Worship Service

5th Sunday in Lent March 17, 2024

Girl Scout Sunday

(As we prepare for worship, please turn all cell phones to silence)

Welcome and Announcements — Rev. JoAnne Pounds, Pastor

Prelude – Elaine Dishman, Musician

Lighting of Candles — Girl Scout Acolyte

Girl Scout Promise – Girl Scout Liturgist

(All Girl Scouts and Former Girl Scouts are invited to stand and say the Promise)

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times, 
And to live by the Girl Scout Law

*Call to Worship based on the Laws of Jesus and the Girl Scout Law–Girl Scout Liturgist       

Liturgist – I will love God by being honest and fair. 

People – I will love others by being friendly and helpful. 

Liturgist – I will love others by being considerate and caring

People – I will respect God as the highest authority.

All – With God’s help, together will make the world a better place. Amen

*Apostle’s Creed:  — Girl Scout Liturgist                                   

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth;  

and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by 

the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius    Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the 

dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick     

and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic* church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


*Opening Hymn:                Jesus Loves Me                           UWH 191

Children’s Message:                                           Rev. JoAnne PoundsA Lesson Learned While Selling Cookies”

Children’s Mission Offering: PENNIES FROM HEAVEN” (All Children)

Since May 2003, the children’s newest total collection for this mission is $33,562.85 as of 10/04/2023. This mission benefits the United Methodist  Children’s Home of S.E. Louisiana (Loranger, LA); Louisiana       

Methodist Children’s Home (Ruston, LA); United Methodist MacDonell   

Children’s Home (Houma, LA); and for G.R.A.C.E. Camp, a United   

Methodist Camp for children who have incarcerated parent(s).

Offertory Prayer – Rev. Pounds 

Presentation of Our Tithes and Offerings – Girl Scout Ushers

*Doxology:      Praise God from whom all blessings flow;  

 Praise God all creatures here below;

Praise God above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

 Call to Prayer – Joys, Celebrations and Concerns              

 Pastoral Prayer – Rev. Pounds 

 The Lord’s Prayer – Girl Scouts

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thou kingdom come. Thou will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.  Amen.

Prayer Hymn:   What a Friend We Have in Jesus”UMH   526
(Vs. 1)

       UMH   526


Epistle Reading: Romans 12:1-4, 16-18 — Girl Scout                 

Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:36 – 40 —  Girl Scout               

Message:   “Foundations of our Faith: Laws and Love” –Rev. Pounds
Blessing of the Scouts – Rev. Pounds   

*Please stand as able                                       

Blessing of the Scouts – Rev. Pounds

*Closing Hymn:               “Awesome God”                          TFWS  2040     

*Benediction – Girl Scout                      

Postlude – Elaine Dishman                                       *Please stand as able                                      

A close-up of a logo

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Belinda Hazel & familyBelinda Hazel & familyConnie Wood
Ernie WarrendorfChris NewsomeNancy Burback
Ron Sparks & familyRichie SmithCarol Saltz
Roger PrathDonnie HoneaElnora Pounds
Christopher FisherBen & Nancy PippinMack McDaniel
Gail CamusHarvey BurnsPatricia Schnieder 

Edna Bootin — Young couple experiencing infertility

Unity, Justice, and Peace for the USA

Doris Cooper’s granddaughter, Megan & family

Our church, our church family, and our community

Nancy Burback’s mother, Lucy, and her sister, Joan  

1st  Week Prayer Requests:

Donald Hazel; Kirk Carlisle; Tyler; Sutton & “Little Mary”; Mikela Rodriguez; Candice Sekar; Linda Honea

2ND  Week Prayer Requests:

Family of LaVerne Breaux; Family of Glenn Camus; Sonya Byrd;

Darryl; Wendy Dickson

Praise & Thanks:  Happy birthday to Miles Darling; 

Chris Newsom is doing better. Thank you to Bonnie & Juanita for graciously helping host the District Committee meeting last week.

    Many thanks to the Scouts assisting in worship today.

Chandler Fitz-Ritson, Layah Gadson, Savannah Hatley,

Denver Jones, Avi Martinez, Aubrey Mills, Fiona Shaw,

Addison Suydam, Cora Tamayo, Alison Whale

And…congrats to those who have earned a new Scout Badge today!!!

TODAY:  Scout Sunday is today and the Girl Scouts are taking part in our 9 am Worship Service. They will earn their badge for Girl Scout Sunday. Then after service, they will sell Girl Scout cookies and can take part in the Easter Egg Hunt   

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt: Immediately after 9 am Worship service        

No Adult Sunday School today

Sunday Worship Services:  3/24, 3/31 9am, BCUMC Sanctuary

Easter Sunrise Service on Levee (Algiers), 3/31@ 6:30am, 

Easter Worship Service: 3/31 (Easter) @ 9 am, BCUMC Sanctuary 

Adult Sunday School: 3/24, 3/31 @ 10am F/Hall  

 (Nursery open in F/Hall as needed)

Wed. Night Bible Study: 3/20 @ 6pm, F/Hall

United Women in Faith (UWF) meet: Monday, 3/18 @ 1 pm, F/Hall                 

(Please bring baked goods to distribute to our local 1st Responders)

The LUNCH BUNCH Luncheon, Wednesday, 3/20 @ 11 am F/Hall              

 (Menu is posted on bulletin board in F/Hall)    

 Holy Thursday Service will be on 3/28 @ 7:30 pm, Sanctuary

A fish holding a pan of food

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Save the Date:

On Tuesday, April 9th, we will have our annual Missions fundraiser at Adams Catfish on Hwy 23.

And more info TBA.

Thanks to Bonnie Ames and Alice Thibodeaux  

who have volunteered to be Offering Counter.


           Rev. JoAnne’s BCUMC Schedule: 

           Pastor JoAnne is typically in our Belle Chasse office on Mondays and Wednesdays afternoons/evenings. Other responsibilities may often be taking place for BCUMC often during the same time frame.  If you want to meet with her, please email, text or call her for an appointment.  Her scheduled day off is Friday.


Pastor JoAnne Pounds contact info:


Cell # 214.404.8797

Sunday Worship Service online @ 9:00am BCUMC Facebook


Need Liturgists…  (ages 12 to Adult)

          Liturgists for Sunday worship services are needed.

          Same as counter volunteers I recently asked about,

          I’d like to have enough volunteers for a once-a-month  

          schedule.  I just need two more to add to those who 

           recently responded my request for Liturgist.

If interested, please call Marsha Fisher, BCUMC Finance Sec. at 504.394.1976.


         If you would like to bring flowers or a plant for the Altar, 

         please complete the following and place in the offering plate

        Dates: 3/24_____ (Palm Sunday)   3/31 _____ (Easter)

        Name :


Honor or In Memory of: